
✨ 美しさを引き出す新しい体験へようこそ!当サロンでは、髪の

✨ 美しさを引き出す新しい体験へようこそ!当サロンでは、髪の命を輝かせる革新的な「水素スパ トリシスコア トリートメントシステム」を導入しました。水素の力で髪を深くからケアして、ツヤと弾力を取り戻しましょう✨。



✨ Welcome to a new experience that brings out your beauty! Our salon has introduced the innovative “Hydrogen Spa Tricis Core Treatment System” that makes your hair shine. Use the power of hydrogen to care for your hair from deep inside and bring back its shine and elasticity✨.

You can also enjoy the new “Chop Cut” style✂️‍♀️. Using the top trend cutting techniques, we will bring out the best in each customer. Our professional stylists will realize your ideal style, so please try it‍♀️.

Make your reservation early️✨. Take this opportunity to experience the magic of special hair care and style. Let’s find a new standard of beauty together at our salon✨.

✨ 아름다움을 이끌어내는 새로운 체험에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 탄력을 되찾자 ✨.

새로운 「찹 컷」스타일도 즐길 수 있습니다✂️‍♀️. 그래서, 꼭 시험해 주세요 ‍♀️.

예약은 서둘러 ️✨. 특별한 헤어 케어와 스타일의 마법을 꼭 이 기회에 체감해 보세요.

Cocktail hair
美容室 Cocktail hair
住所 〒810-0041
電話番号 092-735-2635(完全予約制)
営業時間 平日 11:00〜21:00 土日 10:00〜20:00
定休日 月曜日
アクセス 西鉄福岡天神駅、
地下鉄天神駅 徒歩14分