✨ずっと憧れていたあの色味、ついに実現!✨今回のスタイリングは、「マテリアグレイ クールブラウン➕ベージュ」5.5レベルで。柔らかなトーンと落ち着きのある色合いが、どこか洗練された印象を引き出します♀️。
✨The color you’ve always wanted has finally come true! ✨The styling this time is “Materia Gray Cool Brown + Beige” level 5.5. The soft tone and calm color bring out a sophisticated impression♀️.
In addition, the effilage cut adds natural movement to the hair. With a cut that is calculated down to the ends, you can enjoy a natural sense of volume✂️.
And by finishing with an alkaline removal treatment, you can thoroughly care for your hair from the inside! ✨You will achieve healthy and moisturized hair.
Why not create a style with me that brings out your individuality and enriches your daily life? We look forward to your reservation.
✨ 쭉 동경했던 그 색미, 드디어 실현! ♀️.
또한 에필라주 컷으로 머리카락에 자연스러운 움직임을 플러스.
그리고 마무리에 알칼리 제거 트리트먼트를 베푸는 것으로, 머리카락의 내부로부터의 케어를 철저!
당신다움을 꺼내, 일상을 보다 풍부하게 하는 스타일을 나와 함께 만들지 않겠습니까?예약 기다리고 있습니다.